From Homeless to Helping Others

Read about Tracye’s journey with United Way’s Motel to Home Alliance.

Children in 79 neighborhoods, including one near you, need us now.

Nearly 500,000 of Greater Atlanta’s 1.2 million children and youth live in areas of high need, where measures of child well-being are significantly lower than their neighbors’.

Your neighborhood is likely within a few miles of children, youth, and families who need our support. In fact, our latest Child Well-Being Index shows that 79 neighborhoods across the Greater Atlanta region are among the most in need and also are in a state of declining child well-being, compared to just a few years ago. As a result, 77,000 children in these circumstances will either be at risk or lifted up to achieve their full potential through equitable access to health care, education, housing and healthy food.

Our goal

To help every child unlock their full potential.

By improving education, healthcare, and economic mobility in the communities where they live.

Join us to help thousands of children, families and communities unlock their full potential.

Each of us has it within our power to do something. Take action today.

Our impact

These aren’t just numbers. They’re our neighbors. In the past year...

It's Give United Day!

Today your donation goes further with a dollar-for-dollar match up to $100,000 from generous friends including KMPG and PwC.

Send us a message.